The former New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company has a proud and colorful history. It is the goal of the New Haven Railroad Historical and Technical Association, Inc. (NHRHTA) to tell the New Haven's story and keep its spirit alive. The organization was started in 1962 and originally met at the New Haven, CT, YMCA, which was next to the main yard of the railroad there.
The NHRHTA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit service organization, with over 1,900 members. Its primary purpose is the accumulation, tabulation, and distribution of historical, educational, and technical data specifically related to the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company and its predecessors. This data includes information on rolling stock, motive power, trackage, all types of structures, and general historical background material. We attempt to satisfy the needs of the serious researcher, model railroader, and the railfan of the New Haven with historical and technical data in the form of descriptive essays, plans, drawings, and tabular references. We aid the serious historian and the student of the development of New England railroading and aid manufacturers in the design and production of authentic New Haven scale model equipment. We also produce several items of New Haven interest, including books, videos, HO scale kits, and assorted railroadiana.
In association with the University of Connecticut, the NHRHTA has helped establish the Railroad Archives at UConn's Storrs campus. Included in the Railroad Archives' collection are the corporate records of the New Haven Railroad. In our continuing effort to preserve New Haven history, we welcome any and all donations of money, material, and memorabilia, all of which are tax deductible to the donor.
The NHRHTA is incorporated in perpetuity in the State of Alabama, and the business of the organization is conducted by a Board of Directors, an Executive Committee (consisting of the President, General Counsel & Treasurer), and other officers with responsibilities as designated by the Board. While membership in the NHRHTA is non-voting, it provides an entry to all the resources of the corporation.
Member benefits include the Shoreliner®, a 40-page glossy magazine featuring historical and technical information about the New Haven Railroad, as well as the SpeedWitch®, featuring current rail news, up-to-date modeling news, exchanges of information among members, and other information of interest to railfans.
Memberships are based on Shoreliner® volume number, rather than the calendar year. We process each new membership application as soon as possible (regardless of when it's received during the year) and send all the Shoreliner®s of the volume we're in at the time the application is received. New members begin receiving the SpeedWitch® after their membership begins.
Back issues of the Shoreliner® are available to new subscribers and other interested persons until the supply is exhausted. Previous issues are not generally reprinted once they’re gone; however, Shoreliner® articles of general interest on given subjects and articles from New Haven Railroad publications may be reprinted.